Commitment to Quality and the Environment
Integrated management system policy
The mission of HIFE is to promote the mobility of people by means of collective bus & coach transport based on excellence, safety, environmental efficiency, technological innovation and the socio-territorial commitment of our services.
To carry out our mission we have implemented an integrated management system, based on compliance with various international standards. For the implementation of the integrated system, the management establishes and implements the present management policy in which it commits itself:
To comply with the legal requirements and applicable requirements (in relation to service quality, environment, road safety, health and safety at work). With a firm commitment to the continuous improvement of the quality services offered, customer satisfaction, environmental management, road safety, health and safety of our employees, and efficient driving in order to achieve excellence.
Environmental protection, establishing environmental objectives based on environmental protection, pollution prevention and reasonable use of natural resources. Evaluating performance in the achievement of objectives and in the continuous awareness of employees through communication, participation, information and training in environmental protection and pollution prevention.
To the management of road safety, establishing objectives such as the reduction of accidents on the road, by promoting the prevention of accidents, applying internal programmes of awareness, communication and training of our workers. Establishing programmes to improve our fleet of vehicles in order to equip them with the latest safety systems. Through the achievement of the objectives we aim to achieve a continuous improvement of all processes in the field of road safety.
A management of occupational health and safety, establishing objectives to ensure the physical, mental and social well-being of our employees in the performance of their duties, providing them with a safe, healthy and healthy working environment and offering them a health monitoring plan. In order to achieve the objectives of health and safety at work, the hazards and risks present in all activities and work areas will be identified with the aim of adopting preventive and control measures to prevent occupational health and safety incidents. The awareness and participation of workers will be promoted through consultation and participation programmes, information and training programmes on occupational risks and preventive measures to be adopted during the performance of their tasks in terms of occupational health and safety.
To the management of efficient driving, establishing objectives such as training and monitoring of our fleet and its drivers. Improve our sustainability by reducing our CO2 emissions to the environment. Continuous improvement processes are defined and equipment is managed to improve performance.
To manage the environmental impact of the provision of our services, quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals at an organisational level. Quantifying our Carbon Footprint in a closed year.
To the management of the SGEn for continuous improvement in energy performance in accordance with the legal requirements of ISO 50001 by supporting the procurement of energy efficient products and services.
To manage the different responses to emergency situations and improve our ability to act quickly and effectively.
Finally, the Management will provide adequate resources for the correct implementation of the system, achievement of objectives and improvement. It will also guarantee the availability of information.
Verified statement of the
Letter of services
The purpose of this Service Charter is to offer information on our quality commitments aimed at providing you with a better service and meeting your mobility needs. The preparation of this letter is maintained over time and has existed since 2012. The review and adaptation of its content is carried out annually.
Our coach company began its activity in the transport of passengers by road in 1915. We currently carry out regular, school, discretionary and urban bus transport services in the provinces of Madrid, Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida, Castellón, Valencia, Zaragoza and Teruel. In collaboration with other companies, we link services by expanding the geographic offer of coach routes to cities such as: Madrid, Tudela, San Sebastián, Pamplona, Lleida, Huesca, etc ...
We have a network of collaborating delegations and ticket offices dedicated to offering the sale of your bus tickets. In addition to the regular service routes, we also carry out school transport routes, worker transfers, discretionary transport to travel to any local, national and international geographical area requested by wholesale entities, travel agencies or individuals.
To design and offer our services we rely on:
- Selection of qualified and experienced personnel.
- Adequate training through our internal and external training plan
- The conception and work philosophy of continuous improvement transmitted to our professionals.
- The design of our services based on the offer of reliability through a global conception of transport as a service of general interest to society.
Our mission is to promote the mobility of people by bus in a safe, excellent, efficient way with the environment, innovative and socially and territorially committed.
Rights of traveIers
The rights of road transport users by bus are set out in Regulation (EU) No. 181/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of February 16, 2011, which is applicable from March 1, 2013. In said Regulation establishes a set of minimum rights for travelers of these services within the scope of the European Union, applying to regular services and occasional services when the initial embarkation point or the final disembarkation point of the traveler is located in the territory of a Member State.
Users have the right to participate in the constitution or improvement of this letter through suggestions in our Hife Customer Channel at www.hife.es.
Obligations of the travelers
When traveling by bus there are a series of general obligations, such as:
- Attend the indications of the company with which we travel and of the personnel who attend us, as well as those of the posters placed in view for the information of all users.
- Save your ticket throughout the journey.
- Respect the measures adopted in matters of civil protection and security.
Quality commitments
The quality commitments set out below have taken into account the different expectations of the users who receive the services, provided in the following sources:
- Contact persons, for example, drivers and ticket clerks.
- Surveys carried out.
- Suggestions, complaints and claims from customers.
- Other sources of information.
Early place reservation
- The purchase of our bus tickets guarantees the reservation of a place through the purchase online or in person at our points of sale more than a week before the date of the service.
- Our services will not be suspended or modified without prior notice, except for duly justified exceptional causes.
- Our services will undergo adjustments between supply and demand per route and capacity of the vehicle that performs it, provided that advance information on access to our services is available.
- In the event of a breakdown en route, passengers may finish the journey with another vehicle authorized by the operator and with the minimum possible delay.
Accessibility to people with reduced mobility
- We guarantee that users with reduced mobility access on equal terms with the rest of the passengers to our services offered and regulated by a specific protocol of care that guarantees equal accessibility to our coach services.
- In the annual plan for the renewal of our fleet, an economic item is allocated for the acquisition, renewal and replacement of coaches equipped with accessibility for users with PRM.
Information and sale of tickets over the internet
- Our commitment in relation to the information on time changes, stops, scheduled cuts, etc ... is that it will be reported on the HIFE website and the social networks of our company.
- Our vehicles will visibly indicate the service, destination or name of the route they make.
- Our drivers will be able to answer questions regarding the current transport tickets, the route and the schedules.
Punctuality and delay policy
- Our services will be punctual and will guarantee, in normal operating situations, compliance with the departure and arrival times.
- The vast majority of our fleet is equipped with the necessary technology for vehicle tracking, progress and location monitoring.
- If the service is canceled, due to causes inherent to our company, the traveler will have the right to a refund of the ticket price or to travel on another expedition with the same origin and destination.
- When delays greater than 15 minutes are detected, corrective and preventive actions will be initiated, except in cases where the causes of the delay are beyond the control of the company.
- In case of delays we offer an information service and, upon request, we will provide you with proof of the delays that have occurred.
Customer service
- Our staff receives training in customer service to treat you with kindness and respect, solving your doubts immediately or indicating the department where they can solve it.
- We offer a collection and delivery service for lost items found in vehicles. They are kept for a period of 15 days, returning them to the owners who prove it.
- We make it easy for you to transport your bulky luggage, bicycles and pets, under certain conditions.
- Our customer service is guaranteed 24 hours a day through our web forms and by telephone, we include in this web service a form to make inquiries, complaints, suggestions and claims. The channels that Hife has for users to communicate with the company are:
- Hife Customer Channel
- By phone
- The deadline for responding to complaints and suggestions from Hife users is 15 business days.
Comfort of our services and coaches
- Our drivers will conduct a professional driving that transmits safety and comfort to passengers, supported by our internal training plan in relation to the measures to be applied regarding comfort and safety in our services and coaches.
- Measures will be applied to coaches that guarantee the correct maintenance and cleaning of the vehicle. Information on the vehicle's status will be collected through the incident communication channels of our staff.
- We have an annual renewal plan for our fleet of coaches.
- Our vehicles have the safety elements in accordance with their technical characteristics and applicable regulations, correctly marked the equipment to be used in the event of an accident.
- Our drivers receive regular training in our Emergency Situations Management Plan for cases in which an incident or accident takes place that endangers the integrity of people.
- Our cleaning protocol guarantees the cleaning and disinfection of buses as a prevention of Covid-19.
Environmental Impact
- Our certification and compliance with the UNE 14064 and ISO 14001 standards for environmental management systems guarantee our commitments to the environment.
- We have specific suppliers for waste management and we carry out a periodic control of its proper functioning
- Perfect the efficient driving of each driver by training them and monitoring them with the monitoring of the coaches.